Re: Attribute uniqueness test: a radical proposal

> As I say, if x: and y: are bound to the same prefix then my own system
> will produce exactly the same internal structure for these two
> <xxxx  x:x="1" and y:x="2"/>
> <xxxx  x:x="1" and x:x="2"/>
> which actually is unspecified behaviour since the second isn't well
> formed XML.

> Your parser, it seems, depends very explicitly on the assumption of literal
> string comparison.  Fair enough, since that's what the namespace spec says.
> But it's then necessary to carry that assumption to all other specs that use
> the namespace spec.

Well yes of course it does but you can't tell that from the above
x: and y: might be bound to an absolute URI and exactly the same
situation occurs.


Received on Thursday, 1 June 2000 05:44:59 UTC