Re: More inter samples

On Saturday 16 March 2002 05:25, Takeshi Imamura wrote:
> Thanks, but I made some mistakes.  Could you modify the status as
> follows?

new revision: 1.15

> >> Satisfactory Performance                           ""
> >Would you like to propose a *rough* ballpark of what an implementation
> >should be able to perform? Do you think this performance profile even
> > makes sense?
> I have the same opinion as Merlin's.

Ok, I'll still ask implementors to respond in the generic to the following 
question, "For your applications/purposes, is the performance 
satisfactory." Any other details I'll be happy to get (like size of 
documents, types of operation, type of platform, etc.), but I won't press 
that issue.


Joseph Reagle Jr.       
W3C Policy Analyst      
IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair
W3C XML Encryption Chair

Received on Monday, 18 March 2002 17:24:46 UTC