- From: Jiandong Guo <jguo@phaos.com>
- Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 17:53:26 -0500
- To: reagle@w3.org
- CC: xml-encryption@w3.org
- Message-ID: <3C9129E5.8BAA50EE@phaos.com>
Joseph, The current status of our implementation is listed at the end. Support for decryption transform will be added soon. Also for each key encryption (key transport, key wrap, key transport) algorithm, it is stated explicitly in [1] that support for encrypting certain key sizes are required and for encrypting the other sizes are optional (e.g. triple DES wrapping of triple DES key is required and of others is optional). Should we reflect this in [2]? Could you also please relink the attached samples to [2]? I change the DH examples a bit which should nail down the DH interop according to my correspondence with Merlin. I also noticed that the example in section 5.5.2 (page 31) in [1] is still not quit right. To put it correct should be helpful for implementors. Here is the result of my computation of that example: ... Assuming that ZZ is 0xDEADBEEF, that would be SHA-1(0xDEADBEEF30314578616D706C653A426C6F636B2F416C67666F6F3830) whose value is 0x534C9B8C4ABDCB50038B42015A181711068B08C1 ... ________________________________________________________ Lax valid scheme generation of EncryptedData/EncryptedKey Y Normalized Form C generations N Type, MimeType, and Encoding Y CipherReference URI deferencing Y Transforms Y ds:KeyInfo Y ds:KeyValue Y enc:DHKeyValue Y ds:KeyName Y ds:RetrievalMethod Y ReferenceList Y EncryptionProperties Y Satisfactory Performance Y Required Type support: Element and Content Y Encryption Y Serialization of XML Element and Content Y 1. NFC conversion from non-Unicode encoding N Encryptor returns EncryptedData structure Y Encryptor replaces EncryptedData into source document (when type is Element or Content) Y Decryption Y Decryptor returns the data and its Type to the application Y If data is Element or Content the decrypt return the UTF-8 encoding XML character data Y If data is Element or Content the decryptor replaces the EncryptedData in the source document with the decrypted data Y TRIPLEDES Y1 AES-128 Y1 AES-256 Y1 AES-192 Y1 RSA-v1.5 Y1 RSA-OAEP Y1 Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Y1 TRIPLEDES Key Wrap Y1 AES-128 Key Wrap Y1 AES-256 Key Wrap Y1 AES-192 Key Wrap Y1 SHA-1 Y1 SHA256 Y1 SHA512 Y1 RIPEMD-160 N XML Digital Signature Y1 Decryption Transform for XML Signature N XPointer support in Except URI N Caonical XML Y1 Exclusive Canonicalization Y1 base64 Encoding Y1 _______________________________________________________________________ [1] http://www.w3.org/Encryption/2001/Drafts/xmlenc-core/ [2] http://www.w3.org/Encryption/2002/02-xenc-interop.html Thanks. Jiandong Guo Phaos Technology http://www.phaos.com
- application/x-zip-compressed attachment: phaos-xmlenc-3.zip
Received on Thursday, 14 March 2002 17:43:40 UTC