Re: Last call comments on XML Encryption specs

Christian Geuer-Pollmann wrote:

> If you transcode an (partially) encrypted Document, you transcode the 
> encrypted form only (the envelope). If the intended recipient decrypts 
> the encrypted Contents, he gets octets which are a UTF-8 sequence which 
> must be transcoded into the actual document encoding.

Okay.  So a transcoder must be able to notice what is and what is not
encrypted, and a decryptor must (in the general case) be able to
transcode from UTF-8.

This seems bizarre.  A partially encrypted document on this view is not
XML at all, but XML-with-interruptions: a sequence of characters,
then raw octets, then more characters.

Or are the encrypted octets themselves represented as characters
in the XML (which is then represented as octets)?

Not to perambulate             || John Cowan <>
    the corridors               ||
during the hours of repose     ||
    in the boots of ascension.  \\ Sign in Austrian ski-resort hotel

Received on Wednesday, 9 January 2002 12:38:18 UTC