RE: Updated Section 4.1

Re:  Why must we return the UTF-8 encoding of this element? This
returning, for example, a DOM structure. I would remove "the UTF-8
of" and "UTF-8 encoded", so toolkits can operate as they desire.

It doesn't really affect interop, except across toolkits.  It should be
OK just to state that the implementation returns the EncryptedData
element in a manner they define.  For consistency the same wording needs
to be used when describing how EncryptedKey is returned.

-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph Reagle [] 
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 11:36 AM
To: Takeshi Imamura; Blair Dillaway
Subject: Re: Updated Section 4.1

[ Resulting document:
  $Revision: 1.38 $ on $Date: 2001/08/23 18:31:43 $

You and Blair noted some similar things in things I dropped either 
purposefully (but without providing an adequate replacement) or

On Thursday 23 August 2001 03:20, Takeshi Imamura wrote:
> In Section 4.1, step 3.1, a sentence like the following should be 
> added: "The Encryptor is not required to perform validation on the 
> serialized XML."

I agree, but I don't understand why we would say this? If you have a
or Element Content in XML, you already have chartercters, if it's a DOM
we're saying serialize it. Why would you serialize XML and then be
to reparse and validate it?

> In Section 4.1, step 4, it is described only how to build the 
> EncryptedData element.  It should be also described how to build the 
> EncryptedKey element.

Yes, from Blair's text I was trying to focus on using ds:KeyInfo to
the key, and one of the ways one might do that is with EncryptedKey.
now generalized step 4 of Encryption to work on elements derived from 
EncryptedType (as I tried to do in decryption.)

> In Section 4.1, step 5.1, it should be noted that re-encoding may be 
> required when replacing the identified XML with the EncryptedData 
> element.

I was wondering the same thing Merlin was:
Why must we return the UTF-8 encoding of this element? This precludes 
returning, for example, a DOM structure. I would remove "the UTF-8
of" and "UTF-8 encoded", so toolkits can operate as they desire.

> In Section 4.2, step 4.3, a sentence like the following should be 
> added: "The application supplies the XML Document context and 
> identifies the EncryptedData element being replaced."


Received on Thursday, 23 August 2001 14:45:47 UTC