RE: Public review of XML 1.0 Second Edition


In the highlighted version and the plain draft there is a doubling up of
some of the hyperlinks in section
A.2 Other References

[E43]ISO (International Organization for Standardization). ISO 8879:1986
TC2. Information technology -- Document Description and Processing
Languages. [Geneva]: International Organization for Standardization, 1998.
(See (See 
[E58](Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) Registry of Language Tags, ed.
Keld Simonsen et al. See 
IETF RFC 2376 
[E48]IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force). RFC 2376: XML Media Types. ed.
E. Whitehead, M. Murata. 1998. (See (See 


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Grosso []
Sent: 15 August 2000 00:47
Subject: Public review of XML 1.0 Second Edition

The W3C XML Core Working Group is planning to publish 
XML 1.0 Second Edition, a re-publication of the XML 1.0 Rec 
with errata incorporated.  (This is NOT a new version of XML.)

At this time, we are making two versions of the draft Second 
Edition available for a four week public review, and all interested
parties are invited to review the current drafts and submit 
comments.  This review period ends September 11th, and soon thereafter,
the XML Core WG plans to make these documents (possibly as amended 
per comments) the official XML 1.0 Recommendation Second Edition.

All these public review documents are linked from the W3C TR page [1].
The "plain" draft Second Edition is at:
and this is the version that would become the official Second Edition.

We have also produced a "review copy" which highlights changes
between the first edition and this Second Edition, and it is at:
This *may* be provided along with the official Second Edition if
it is deemed useful and appropriate, but the "plain" version is
the official one.

Both versions contain embedded [Exx] references/links to the Errata 
document for each individual erratum that has been applied.  (If we
decide to maintain the "review" version, we may decide to delete the
[Exx] references from the "plain" one.)

Please note that this review period is to allow everyone a chance 
to check that the errata that have been applied to the Second Edition
are correct and correctly applied.  Reports of further errata or
ambiguities in XML 1.0 are welcome, but they will likely be saved
to be considered for possible application to a later edition, not
added to this Second Edition.

Again, please note that this review period ends September 11th. 
As indicated in the drafts, comments should be sent to
before the end of the review period.

Paul Grosso, Co-chair XML Core WG


Received on Wednesday, 16 August 2000 09:40:53 UTC