Typo in XML 1.0 recommendation?

From the definition of the XML declaration:

[24] VersionInfo ::= S 'version' Eq (' VersionNum ' | " VersionNum ")

Shouldn't this really be:

[24] VersionInfo ::= S 'version' Eq ("'" VersionNum "'" | '"' VersionNum '"')

Not a disaster, of course, but it had me confused for a couple of seconds.

"These are, as I began, cumbersome ways / to kill a man. Simpler, direct, 
and much more neat / is to see that he is living somewhere in the middle /
of the twentieth century, and leave him there."     -- Edwin Brock

 http://www.stud.ifi.uio.no/~larsga/      http://birk105.studby.uio.no/

Received on Tuesday, 10 March 1998 03:42:04 UTC