- From: Brad Barber <bradb@shore.net>
- Date: Tue, 07 Apr 1998 10:35:22 -0400
- To: xml-editor@w3.org
Notes on XML 1.0, EC-xml-19980210 Brad Barber, 6 April 1998 Cambridge, MA bradb@shore.net 617-497-8876 I've spent several weeks with the XML document and have noticed a few items that may be helpful for the next edition. Overall I am impressed with the specification and the standard. XML will be a winner as it stands. The grammar specification is particularly clear. VC and WFC constraints work well. --Brad --------------- human-readable glosses One of the strengths of XML is that its documents are independent of the programs that read XML. Even without the DTD, a person can reconstruct a document and what each element means. Textual element and attribute names are the key ingredients. For example, the element "<zipcode>02138</zipcode>" conveys the meaning of "02138". For large DTDs, the semantic link between element name and meaning may be difficult or inconvenient to achieve. I noticed in the XML-data spec the use of '<description>' to provide a gloss for an element. I think this belongs in XML itself. An 'elementdecl' or 'AttlistDecl' could be followed by <!GLOSS a short description > It may be best to allow !GLOSS after any component, and to encourage its use after every declaration. With !GLOSS, an XML browser could display a short description when the cursor is held over the corresponding component. If both the declaration and use have !GLOSSes, the browser could display both. --------------- Index missing. I used a printed copy of the specification for annotation and the bulk of my reading. The specification needs a printed index of non-terminals and internal links. ------------------ 1. Introduction ... "entity" I found "entity" confusing as the most general component of an XML document. It would be clearer if "entity" was restricted to '!ENTITY' components. I never did figure out what "entity" means. It is used a lot! -------------- 2.6 Processing instructions ... [17] PITarget ... Name I think 'Name' should be '( Notation | Name )'. This formalizes the use of Notation as a 'PITarget'. The sentence "The XML Notation mechanism ..." is not clear. Also, what happens if a DTD-defined notation is also an independent processing target? ------------------ 2.8 ... External Subset ... [30] extSubset Shouldn't 'TextDecl' be required in an external DTD? If it is missing, a processor can not determine the XML version of the DTD. The version of an XML document is likely to differ from the version of its DTD. ----------------- 3.1 Start-tags ... [40] STag ... Name The 'Name' of an element is called the "element type". I found this confusing. It should be "element name". The (structural) type of the element is its content spec, not its name. "Element type" is used throughout the spec to mean the element's name. The terminology for attributes is good. The 'Name' of an attribute is called the "attribute name" and the "attribute type" is the type of the attribute's value. ----------------- 3.2.1 Element content ... [49] choice ... cp )* ... cp )* The repetition for 'choice' should be ')+', otherwise '( Xxxx )' is ambiguous (either 'choice' or 'seq'). To meet a "One meaning one syntax" rule, '( Xxxx )' should be disallowed altogether. ---------------- 3.2.2 Mixed content ... "types of child elements may be constrained" Should be "are constrained" as specified in '[39] ... Validity Constraint: Element valid ... 3'. ----------------- 3.2.2 Mixed content ... [51] Mixed ... Name)* S? It should be "Name)+" otherwise "( #PCDATA )*" is 'Mixed'. There should be only one representation for each option. ---------------- 3.3.1 Attribute Types ... [56] ... 'ID' Any document that uses 'ID' becomes invalid if appended to another document that uses the same 'ID'. I believe that sites will use many XML documents and a small number of DTDs/prologs. Sites will combine multiple documents for archive, distribution, etc. A combination should itself be an XML document. Perhaps, add '<!IDNEW>' to indicate a new naming universe for 'ID' and 'IDREF'. ---------------------- 3.3.1 Attribute Types ... [58] NotationType It took me a while to figure out 'NOTATION'. Some suggestions: - move '[58] NotationType' from '[57] EnumeratedType' to '[54] AttType' (a notation is not an enumeration). - briefly define 'NotationType' in this section, along with an example. Notations are unusual for XML because a notation modifies the meaning of another attribute value instead of the element. Perhaps "A notation specifies the contents of ENTITY attributes in the same element." - In '4.7 Notation Declaration' rewrite "Notation declarations provide a name for the notation, for use in entity and attribute- list declarations and in attribute specifications, and an external identifier for the notation ..." and "XML processors must provide applications with the name and external identifier(s) of any notation declared and referred to in an attribute value, attribute definition, or entity declaration." These sentences do not appear to match the grammar. My guess is that an XML processor must provide notation information for 1) processing instructions with a notation target, 2) notation attributes in an element, and 3) unparsed entities (ExternalID). ----------------------- 3.3.1 Attribute Types ... [58] NotationType The grammar allows multiple notations in one element declaration. I think there should be only one per element. Otherwise an application must "know" which notation goes with which 'ENTITY' attribute. If you want to allow alternate notations, then '[73] EntityDef' should also allow multiple notations. ----------------------- 4.3.1 the Text Declaration ... may each begin ... [77] ... VersionInfo? EncodingDecl I think this should be "must begin ... VersionInfo EncodingDecl?". 'EncodingDecl' should be optional and 'VersionInfo' required. As in section 2.8, I think that every DTD should start with a version number in the same way that every XML document starts with a version number. ------------------------ EOF
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