Re: use cases for MTOM wrote:
> ANish Karmarkar writes:
>>I am using the term 'streaming' in a difference sense than you are.
>>I was using it from the point of view of applications APIs (i.e. 
>>streaming APIs) and not as a unending broadcast stream.
> But I think these are related.  If your "broadcast" stream is of modest 
> size relative to the link speed, then streaming APIs are not particularly 
> necessary.  To make the point, consider and extreme case:  you wouldn't 
> want lots of streaming APIs for a 10 byte message "hey, I got 2 more 
> bytes."  That's slower than a single call that says "I got all 10".  The 
> deep reason for streaming APIs, IMO, is to deal with very large messages.

Agreed. The message size is important here.

I was trying to elaborate what I meant by "steaming" to distinguish with 
what John was envisioning, which was, streams of unending broadcast data 
which does not go over TCP/IP.


Received on Thursday, 11 September 2003 18:24:40 UTC