On Wed, 7 May 2003, John Kemp wrote:
> I gather that only SOAP 1.2 envelopes may carry the
> application/soap+xml MIME type, and I was wondering if:

I don't think that's quite right.  The MIME type says "use this for 1.2"
it doesn't say "you can't use it for 1.1" just like it doesn't say "you can't
use it for target practice."

> 1) It would be possible to define the type so as to clearly not
> preclude the sending of SOAP 1.1 envelopes with that MIME type

Well, that would be up to SOAP 1.1 and its HTTP binding, not
the MIME type declaration...

Less flippantly, since you're defining a new way of using SOAP over
HTTP, you're quite free to use whatever MIME types you want.

BTW, if the SOAP request is the HTTP response, then where's the SOAP
response go?

Received on Wednesday, 7 May 2003 18:48:46 UTC