Feedback on the media type registration...

----- Forwarded message from John Kemp <john.kemp@earthlink.net> -----
    Date: Tue, 6 May 2003 17:38:55 -0400
    From: John Kemp <john.kemp@earthlink.net>
Reply-To: John Kemp <john.kemp@earthlink.net>
 Subject: SOAP MIME Type
      To: mnot@pobox.com, distobj@acm.org

Hash: SHA1

Dear Mr. Baker and Mr. Nottingham,

You have submitted an Internet Draft specifying a MIME type for SOAP 
messages. The Liberty Alliance Project has recently published a draft 
specification of a "Reverse HTTP Binding for SOAP" (abbrev. PAOS). This 
specification relies on the existence of a MIME type for SOAP, but it 
is intended to be used for SOAP 1.1 messages. Future versions of the 
Liberty specifications will likely normatively refer to SOAP 1.2. We 
would like to encourage you to read and review the PAOS specification ( 
http://www.projectliberty.org/specs/draft-lib-arch-paos-v1.0-05.pdf ) 
and to consider rewording the Internet Draft such that it clearly does 
not preclude the use of the application/soap+xml MIME type for SOAP 1.1 
messages, when used in a binding other than the normal HTTP binding (as 
defined in the SOAP 1.1 specification). The current text is slightly 
unclear about the use of the MIME type for SOAP 1.1 messages. Some 
participants interpreted that it is only intended for SOAP 1.2, whereas 
according to others the current draft does not tie the MIME type to a 
particular version.

As you certainly know the "nomal" SOAP 1.1 HTTP binding requires the 
use of the text/xml MIME type. An implementation of PAOS, however, 
would greatly benefit from being able to detect SOAP messages by means 
of the value of the Content-Type header.

Thank you for any guidance you can provide on this issue,

John Kemp
John Kemp / john.kemp@earthlink.net
(+1) 413.458.9053    /    frumioj@AOL
Coordinating Editor   /   Project Liberty
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (Darwin)


----- End forwarded message -----

Mark Nottingham

Received on Tuesday, 6 May 2003 19:22:04 UTC