Action item: MTOM relationship to the current HTTP binding

On the last concall I took an action item to "Try to be more specific  
about how MTOM relate to the current HTTP binding (sec 4. MTOM)".  
Here's an attempt to do that.


The doc is rendered as a W3C Working Draft, it should use the editors  
draft style until it becomes a working draft - "<spec w3c-doctype="wd"  
role="editors-copy">" should do the trick.

1. Introduction


"The third part (4. HTTP Transmission Optimization Feature ) uses this  
Inclusion Mechanism for implementing the Abstract Transmission  
Optimization Feature for an HTTP binding. "


"The third part (4. HTTP Transmission Optimization Feature ) uses this  
Inclusion Mechanism for expressing the Abstract Transmission  
Optimization Feature in the SOAP HTTP binding[SOAP Part 2]."

1.2 Relation to other specifications


"The implementation of the abstract feature as a binding feature for an  
HTTP binding is intended to enhance the SOAP HTTP binding described in  
[SOAP Part 2] SOAP HTTP Binding or an updated version of it."


"The abstract feature is expressed as a binding feature for the  
existing SOAP HTTP binding described in [SOAP Part 2] SOAP HTTP  

3.3 MIME Multipart/Related Serialization

The introduction states that

"The second part ( 3. Inclusion Mechanism ) describes an Inclusion  
Mechanism implementing part of the Abstract Transmission Optimization  
Feature in a binding-independant way."

In the SOAP Recommendation, serialization is very much the  
responsibility of the binding so if 3 is really intended to be "binding  
independent" then I think this subsection (3.3) really belongs as a  
subsection of 4. HTTP Transmission Optimization Feature.

4.1 Introduction


"The HTTP Transmission Optimization Feature is a binding-level feature  
implementing the Abstract Transmission Optimization Feature in an HTTP  
binding.  This HTTP Transmission Optimization Feature uses the 3.  
Inclusion Mechanism as the basis of its implementation.

This HTTP Transmission Optimization Feature builds upon the current  
HTTP binding (see [SOAP Part 2] SOAP HTTP Binding ), enhancing it with  
the support of the Abstract Transmission Optimization Feature.  In all  
aspects not described in           this section, the rules of the HTTP  
binding are not modified. "


"The HTTP Transmission Optimization Feature is a expression of the  
Abstract Transmission Optimization Feature for the SOAP HTTP  
binding[SOAP Part 2]. The 3. Inclusion Mechanism is used as the basis  
of its expression. In all aspects not described in this section, the  
rules of the SOAP HTTP binding[SOAP Part 2] are not modified. "

4.3.1 and 4.3.2 (and relocated 3.3)

Reformulate text to describe deviations from the HTTP binding state  
machine as described in 

and subsequent sections. E.g. describe modifications to table 16  
(Content-type value etc).


Marc Hadley <>
Web Technologies and Standards, Sun Microsystems.

Received on Tuesday, 15 July 2003 14:02:14 UTC