MTOM addition: Providing media types to data in XML

Hi, in fulfillment of my action item, I hereby propose the addition of a
section about media-typing XML binary data to our MTOM working draft.

I propose we add section 5 with (roughly) the following text, mostly
copied from PASWA [1] sections 3, 7 and appendix I. This additional
section means that the document is not only about transmission
optimization any more, therefore we need to rename it, I suggest "SOAP
Messages With Binary Data" or "SOAP Messages With Attachments", though
the latter is already used.


The namespace table should be extended to include the prefix xmime
mapped to the namespace ""
and the prefix xs mapped to the namespace

5. Providing Media Types to Data in XML

For purposes of annotating binary data present in the form of base64
text in XML infosets with MIME media types, this specification defines a
global attribute (xmime:mediaType) that may be applied to elements whose
children contain base64-encoded binary data. This specification also
defines an XML Schema complex type that augments the xs:base64Binary
type with this attribute.

5.1 xmime:mediaType attribute information item
The mediaType attribute information item specifies the media type of the
base64-encoded content of its owner element information item. Its
normalized value is a media type as defined by Section 5.1 of RFC 2045
and RFC 2046. When the mediaType attribute information item is not
present the media type "application/octet-stream" is assumed.

5.2 xmime:Binary type
The Binary type is an XML Schema complex type whose base is
xs:base64Binary. The type carries optional xmime:mediaType attribute.
This type can be used by elements that need to carry base64-encoded data
along with optional media type information.

5.3 xmime:accept attribute information item
For the purpose of annotating a schema with information about allowed
media types in an element or type definition, notably for use in WSDL,
the accept attribute information item may be used on element
declarations in a schema to specify the list of accepted media types.
Its normalized value is a space-delimited list of media types with ´q¡
parameters as defined in Section 14.1 of RFC 2616. When the accept
attribute is not present the media type "*/*" is assumed. 

[jacek: this is new, schema guys please check this]
This attribute information item can be used on xs:element,
xs:simpleContent or xs:complexContent. An element MUST NOT specify a
wider range of accepted media types than its type, it MAY change the "q"
parameter values though. Likewise, a restricting type MUST NOT specify a
wider range of accepted media types than its base type, it MAY change
the "q" parameter values though.

5.4 XML Schemas  [jacek: possibly an appendix]

The following is a normative schema for the mediaType and accept
attributes and the Binary element. [jacek: copied from PASWA, somebody
please verify]

<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" 
           targetNamespace="" >

  <xs:attribute name="mediaType" >
      <xs:restriction base="xs:string" >
        <xs:pattern value="(text|application|image|audio|video|model|multipart|message|x-[-.a-z0-9]+)/[a-z0-9][-.+a-z0-9]+(;\s?.+=.+)*" />

  <xs:attribute name="accept" >
      <xs:restriction base="xs:string" >
        <xs:pattern value="(text|application|image|audio|video|model|multipart|message|x-[-.a-z0-9]+)/[a-z0-9][-.+a-z0-9]+(;p=(1\.0|0\.\d+))?" />

  <xs:complexType name="Binary" >
      <xs:extension base="xs:base64Binary" >
        <xs:attribute ref="tns:mediaType" use="optional" />
        <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax" />


What do you think, especially the authors of PASWA?

                   Jacek Kopecky

                   Senior Architect
                   Systinet Corporation

Received on Thursday, 10 July 2003 01:01:46 UTC