Re: Wire Trace approach to MEP/Binding descriptions.


I like the direction that this is taking.
I find the notation to be succinct, if not a little
confusing, but that can be worked...

Specifically, I find the dot notation to be
a little akward. It might be useful instead to
express the concept of "followed by" such that
it also included the direction (although, this
would bias things to one perspective I suppose).

It might also be interesting to explore use of BNF
or a derivative for the notation so that it was
more familiar to the reader. This would also provide
for the ability to describe with more specificity
any specific constraints on the messages such as
required headers, faults, etc.


srrmessage := out SOAPRequest in ( SOAPResponse | SOAPFault | null )
SOAPRequest := SOAPEnvelope SOAPHeader
	SOAPRequestBody SOAPEnvelopeTerminator
SOAPResponse := SOAPEnvelope SOAPHeader
	SOAPRequestBody SOAPEnvelopeTerminator
SOAPFault := SOAPEnvelope SOAPHeader
	SOAPFaultBody SOAPEnvelopeTerminator

SOAPRequestBody := "<" [NSQ ":"] "Body" { attr } ">" [CRLF]
	request SOAPBodyTerminator
SOAPResponseBody := "<" [NSQ ":"] "Body" { attr } ">" [CRLF]
	response SOAPBodyTerminator
SOAPFaultBody := "<" [NSQ ":"] "Body" { attr } ">" [CRLF]
	SOAPFault SOAPBodyTerminator
SOAPFault := "<fault>" [CRLF]
SOAPEnvelopeTerminator := "</" [NSQ ":"] "Envelope>"
SOAPHeaderTerminator := "</" [NSQ ":"] "Header>"
SOAPBodyTerminator := "</" [NSQ ":"] "Body>"
attr := NSDecl | STRING "=" STRING
NSDecl := "xmlns" [":" NSQ] "=" URI
URI := ...



Marc Hadley wrote:

> Jean-Jacques Moreau wrote:
>> +1
>> IMHO, the current tables are not accurate enough (compared to this other
>> approach) and consumme too much space (I hate to say this now that I have
>> done the HTML to XML conversion, but...).
> +1, I find this notation very succinct.
> Marc.

Received on Thursday, 10 January 2002 18:16:42 UTC