RE: Issue 36: Clarify nature of conformance

Reading it through again, I have two comments:

1) Regarding the part:

"An implementation may be said to be SOAP 1.2 conformant if and only if
all messages it sends, and all processing it does, are correct with
respect to the normative requirements of  the SOAP 1.2 specification.
The W3C does not at this time provide for any comprehensive means of
testing for such conformance."

I would delete this piece - the test suite document should IMO not say
what it means for the SOAP 1.2 specification to be conformant.

2) Regarding the text:

"SOAP 1.2 specifies a protocol and a processing model and not a SOAP
processor or an API, therefore the test suite defines higher level
application semantics to enable testing and facilitate interoperability
implementations. It is not necessary for a SOAP processor to support
these higher level semantics to be SOAP 1.2 compliant."

I would remove the description of what SOAP 1.2 does define and leave it
at this text instead:

"The test suite defines higher level application semantics to enable
testing and facilitate interoperability implementations. It is not
necessary for a SOAP processor to support these higher level semantics
to be SOAP 1.2 compliant. "


>On behalf of the conf. doc editors, I am attaching the abstract/intro
>sections (html doc) of the latest conf. doc. We have 
>incorporated Noah's
>text [1] with a few minor edits.

Received on Wednesday, 17 April 2002 14:12:30 UTC