RE: Updated proposal for issue 192

In the proposal [5] for dealing with issue 192 [0], Marc Hadley has
pointed out a lack of clarity in the proposal for item 1) "How to
identify a fault in a SOAP message" which needs to be addressed. The
current proposed wording for this particular part says:

>1) As to the question of determining when a SOAP fault is 
>recognized as an "active" fault in a SOAP message by referring 
>to the text already in SOAP 1.2, part 1 [1]:
>"To be recognized as carrying SOAP error information, a SOAP 
>message MUST contain exactly one SOAP Fault as the only child 
>element of the SOAP body. A SOAP fault element information 
>item MAY appear within a SOAP header block, or as a descendant 
>of a child element information item of the SOAP body; but, in 
>such cases, the element has no SOAP-defined semantics."

Marc pointed out that it is not clear whether "MUST contain exactly one
SOAP fault as the only child element of the SOAP body" allows one to add
*other* information in the body *after* the SOAP fault or not. In other
words, is something like the following outline allowed?


My personal feeling is that it should *not* be allowed to have
"MyExtraStuff" as we already have a "detail" EII which can contain such
information as well as header blocks that can contain other end-to-end
information if need be. This was what I read the "...the only child
element" to mean (although it of course should use Infoset speak).




Received on Monday, 15 April 2002 13:58:18 UTC