Re: Proposal for cleanup of RPC section (issue 195)

 the proposal in its fullness effectively says that return value 
is just another out parameter which means that the messages are 
self-describing. Some language bindings may choose to represent 
one of the out parameters as the return value, but that's their 
choice and it doesn't affect the messages.
 In the partial proposal (the hopefully uncontroversial part),
the situation in the return value is explicitly named therefore
the message is self-describing. In the array case, the return
value is again just another out parameter, so we're ok again.
 So I believe we're not adding any dependence and we might be
removing some, too.
 Best regards,

                   Jacek Kopecky

                   Senior Architect, Systinet (formerly Idoox)

On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, Noah Mendelsohn/Cambridge/IBM wrote:

 > Jean-Jacques Moreau writes:
 > >> Wouldn't this add a dependency on WSDL? I don't think we should go 
 > there.
 > An emphatic +1.  One of the very important things about SOAP RPC messages 
 > is that they are to a significant degree self describing.  This is a great 
 > importance for use of SOAP in dynamically typed languages, for which use 
 > of WSDL is often inappropriate.  It's highly desirable, IMO, if I can 
 > inspect a SOAP RPC message and tell by looking only at that message "this 
 > is a call on a method named X with arguments named A1, A2, .. (or supplied 
 > by position, which I can determine from the use of the array 
 > construction).  I believe we have this today.
 > Similarly, I think it is important to be able to understand and RPC 
 > response without reference to WSDL.  I am concerned that proposal for void 
 > returns does not have this self describing characteristic.
 > ------------------------------------------------------------------
 > Noah Mendelsohn                              Voice: 1-617-693-4036
 > IBM Corporation                                Fax: 1-617-693-8676
 > One Rogers Street
 > Cambridge, MA 02142
 > ------------------------------------------------------------------

Received on Wednesday, 10 April 2002 07:19:53 UTC