Re: Issue 4 Proposed Resolution (was: why no doc type declarationand PIs in SOAP)

>> could we list some of the use cases for
>> XML Protocol?

Sure.  Some of this has been collected in the official requirements 
document[1].  One that is of crucial importance for my company's intended 
use is [2]:

"The design of the protocol architecture must be sensitive to the issues 
arising in the full spectrum of deployment environments ranging from 
resource constrained embedded devices (appliances) through high 
performance service engines."

I would strongly emphasize the need to support high performance service 
engines.  As I've said before, we're going to be competing with and 
attempting to displace binary protocols.  I would be very surprised if, 
for example, XSLT-based implementations were suitable in the highest 
performance settings.  In general, I would expect that for many 
medium-performance applications, off the shelf parsers, XSLT, etc. may 
play a role.  On the smallest devices, implementations will be customized 
for space and to minimize unnecessary features---indeed, some will support 
only one vocabulary ("getTrafficLightStatus") as opposed to 
general-purpose SOAP.  At the far extreme will be a variety of customized 
implementations designed to do only SOAP, and to do it with extremely high 
speed.  We certainly can't presume that general purpose off the shelf 
parsers will meet the needs of such high performance installations.


Noah Mendelsohn                                    Voice: 1-617-693-4036
Lotus Development Corp.                            Fax: 1-617-693-8676
One Rogers Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

Received on Tuesday, 2 October 2001 11:49:08 UTC