Re: Issue 135 - Re: discarding incorrect namespaces

Shouldn't we clarify that treating NS mismatch as version errors applies 
only to the particular constructs of our specification?  If I send you a 
header entry with a bad NS, that might very well be a mustUnderstand 
error, for example.   I think we should be absolutely unambiguous as to 
where a NS mismatch is a version error. 

More specifically, we should be clear on at least the following (presuming 
SOAP-ENV is the correct SOAP 1.2 NS prefix):

1.      <SOAP-ENV: Envelope> <!-- presumably OK>

2.      <OTHERNS:Envelope> <!-- version mismatch>

3.      (as root of message infoset):
        <OTHERNS:EmployeeRecord> <!-- version mismatch or misformed SOAP 
header -->

4.      <SOAP-ENV: Envelope2> <!-- good NS, version mismatch anyway?>

Similarly for Body, Header, Encoding values, etc.  We need to be careful 
to cover any case that a reader of the spec might _think_ is a ns 
mismatch, I think.  Thank you. 

Noah Mendelsohn                                    Voice: 1-617-693-4036
Lotus Development Corp.                            Fax: 1-617-693-8676
One Rogers Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

Received on Monday, 12 November 2001 11:48:12 UTC