SOAP v1.1 ========> SOAP v1.2

In SOAP v1.1, we actually have SOAP( and

In SOAP v1.2, the spec says that it consists of 4 parts, but collectively grouped
in 2 parts as:

Part 1: Messaging Framework
 o SOAP Envelope
 o Transport Binding Framework

Part2: Adjuncts
 o SOAP Encoding Rules
 o SOAP RPC COnvention
 o SOAP HTTP Binding Specfication(imo, this makes 5 parts, not 4 parts)

I personally think that 3rd one in Part 2, "SOAP HTTP Binding" is more related
to the 2nd one in part 1. But it's ok since that is my concern here.

My concern is [SOAPATTACH]. Is SOAP v1.2 planning to replace the SOAP
v1.1 excluding the [SOAPATTACH]?

o If so, will the [SOAPATTACH] continuously go with SOAP v1.2?
o If not, where does the [SOAPATTACH] part need to go in SOAP v1.2?
   Ex, In the <Body> element?



SOAP v1.2 Part 1: Messaging Framework

o SOAP Envelope

o Transport Binding Framework

SOAP v1.2 Part 2: Adjuncts 

o SOAP Encoding Rules

o SOAP RPC COnvention

o Concrete HTTP Binding Specification

Received on Friday, 9 November 2001 09:26:47 UTC