Re: Infoset based rewrite of SOAP Section 4

> I think the point
> some of us are making, and that you might be missing (or may disagree
> with), is that the infoset can be used to capture what is common across an
> extensible set of SOAP bindings, each of which must separately meet that
> goal of concreteness.

Thanks Noah.

You're right, I disagree that the infoset is the best approach.  I
believe it's a bad idea.  In particular, the idea of "describe the
abstract data" and then "describe particular syntax in detail" scares
me.  It makes me think of the old 7layer model.  Or describing a stream
protocol in ASN.1 and then saying "the transfer syntax is DER, and we'll
call that binding TCP."

It is possible to do things that way, but it makes it needlessly
difficult for <emphasize-my-viewpoint>implementors</emph>

Zolera Systems, Securing Web services (XML, SOAP, Signatures,

Received on Monday, 2 July 2001 11:03:54 UTC