RE: Binary attachments to XP: or unipart vs. multipart

Adding to what Frank de Rose said, we might consider the SOAP with
Attachements approach as a distinct binding of the SOAP protocol to
MIME, much as the SOAP 1.1 specification defines a binding of SOAP to
HTTP.  This would permit enclosure of a SOAP message within a MIME
structure for those cases where such enclosure is advantageous. 

Another way to look at this suggestion is that "always use MIME" versus
"never use MIME" is a false alternative.  One might _sometimes_ use MIME
(when its advantages outweigh its drawbacks).  With some care, the use
of MIME can be applied to the SOAP specification without requiring a
change to the SOAP specification itself.  The SOAP with Attachments
specification is a suggested approach. 

Received on Tuesday, 30 January 2001 11:00:58 UTC