DS for R306 Easy Deployment

The text within [brackets] is a proposed addition to the introductory text 
for section 8 of the editor's copy of the requirement document [1].

Usage scenarios are intended to provide representative examples of 
situations where XML Protocol might be applicable. The purpose of usage 
scenarios is to help ensure that XML Protocol is capable of dealing with 
applications and services actually seen in the Web. Hence, usage scenario 
specifications should be at a coarse-grain level of an end user's desired 
XML document/message interchange, rather than at a detailed, implementation 
or transport specific level. Usage scenarios often make assumptions about 
the specific environments in which the use cases are described that the 
requirements cannot.

In other words, the requirements are explicitly targeted to the design of 
XML Protocol; usage scenarios are targeted to systems in which XML Protocol 
is most likely part of an overall solution. [Usage scenarios may help 
provide a concrete example of an abstract requirement to help clarify its 
intent.]  Not all requirements need to be referenced by an example usage 
scenario, since, in addition to higher-level, application specific 
requirements for use, there are internal, architectural requirements 
independent of any specific higher-level use (e.g., using XML, schemas, and 
namespaces imposes certain requirements irrespective of use).

DSxx to clarify R306 (Easy Deployment):

XP and a set of XP Modules are deployed to an XP Processing 
Intermediary.  A deployment descriptor or some other (declarative or 
programmatic) mechanism is used describe the configuration.  An 
administrator must update one of the XP Modules to a new version (e.g., bug 
fix), delete another XP module, and add a new XP module.  The administrator 
must verify the configuration of XP before and after changes are made.

[1] http://www.w3.org/2000/xp/Group/xp-reqs-05#N2690

Received on Friday, 26 January 2001 17:41:31 UTC