Re: Integrating XP Into Web Infrastructure

Ken MacLeod <> wrote:

>> footnote: depends on the interface, of course.  here's a
>> complete XML-RPC request in Python:
>> import xmlrpclib
>> betty = xmlrpclib.Server("")
>> print betty.examples.getStateName(41)
>> to make a SOAP request, just replace "xmlrpc" with "soap".
>> doing the same thing via HTTP requires far more work,
>> even in Python...
> footnote #2: depends on the interface, of course.  here's a possible
> URI-Space request in Python:
> import urispace
> channel = urispace.get("")
> print channel.title

footnote #2 (lets get some other languages in here): here's a simple
HTTP-POST request in TCL (really works, except for the nonexistant server):

set server
set statename 41
print [util_httppost $server [export_form_variables statename ]

[ Aaron Swartz | | ]

Received on Tuesday, 9 January 2001 09:59:24 UTC