RE: XML protocol comparison

I would add XMI and Wf-XML to the Domain specific section, too. I know that
they can represent  arbitrary data, but the protocols have been designed for
a specific field of applications:
wf-XML for providing interoperability between simple chained workflows and
nested workflows.
XMI for metadata exchange between development tools to allow distributed
application development.
Of course, the two can be used for other purposes, but I suppose that is not

Concerning Jabber, I think it is domain specific, too. To me it seems like
an XMLish ICQ messaging architecture. But I haven't read the docs, so
forgive me if i'm wrong.

And, again.... :)
BizTalk and ebXML (and eCo) do IMO not belong in this comparison matrix.
They would fit in a category called "XML-based E-business infrastructures"

btw, there are new documents available concerning BXXP.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: []On
> Behalf Of Eric Prud'hommeaux
> Sent: Dienstag, 09. Mai 2000 22:21
> To: Daniel Koger
> Cc: Bernhard Dorninger; XML DistApp ML
> Subject: Re: XML protocol comparison
> On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 11:03:43AM -0700, Daniel Koger wrote:
> > This is Daniel Koger from the ICE Authoring Group.  Does
> app-specific imply
> > association with a single given application, or a set of applications
> > targeting a segment of exchange?
> the latter. perhaps the new wording is clearer:
> domain-specific XML protocols: protocols with a fixed grammer
> targeting a particular application domain.
> > Reason for the question:
> >
> > We have had a perspective that ICE is associated with a single
> company.  My
> > team uses ICE from two different vendors and some in-house
> prototyping that
> > is application independent.  All of the work is, however, targeting
> > syndication applications for interchange between application frameworks.
> I wonder if ICE is ever used for XML protocols outside of content
> syndication. It can be, but then all messaging formats cam be. ICE has
> a well thought out transaction scenario that provides reliable message
> transport. This technology is interesting in the xml-protocol domain
> and it may be interesting to adapt the ICE states and messages to work
> over SOAP or LOTP.

Received on Wednesday, 10 May 2000 09:51:55 UTC