Re: XML protocol comparison

On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 11:03:43AM -0700, Daniel Koger wrote:
> This is Daniel Koger from the ICE Authoring Group.  Does app-specific imply
> association with a single given application, or a set of applications
> targeting a segment of exchange?

the latter. perhaps the new wording is clearer:

domain-specific XML protocols: protocols with a fixed grammer
targeting a particular application domain.

> Reason for the question:
> We have had a perspective that ICE is associated with a single company.  My
> team uses ICE from two different vendors and some in-house prototyping that
> is application independent.  All of the work is, however, targeting
> syndication applications for interchange between application frameworks.

I wonder if ICE is ever used for XML protocols outside of content
syndication. It can be, but then all messaging formats cam be. ICE has
a well thought out transaction scenario that provides reliable message
transport. This technology is interesting in the xml-protocol domain
and it may be interesting to adapt the ICE states and messages to work
over SOAP or LOTP.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eric Prud'hommeaux []
> Sent: Monday, May 08, 2000 10:20 AM
> To: Bernhard Dorninger
> Cc: XML DistApp ML
> Subject: Re: XML protocol comparison
> On Fri, May 05, 2000 at 05:13:06PM +0200, Bernhard Dorninger wrote:
> > Hi
> > 
> > The more I read specs and related material of the "protocols" listed in
> > Eric's matrix, th more I feel, that heavyweights like BizTalk, eCo, ebXML
> > should not be mentioned in one go with protocols like XMLRPC, SOAP or
> > The former are far more than just protocols, they provide an integrative
> > infrastructure for E-commerce. So IMO BizTalk and Co. should not directly
> be
> > compared to XMLRPC and Co.,  I think the two "groups of protocols" have
> been
> > designed with completely different intentions.
> I was thinking the same thi
> Yes, the list seems to benifit from grouping of similar protocols (see
> I
> meant to propse furthur grouping, but apparently failed.
> I just made a quick pass at this (see
> Summary:
> generic:
>   SOAP
>   WDDX
>   XMI
>   jabber
>   ebXML
>   BizTalk
>   BXXP
>   LOTP
> app-specific:
>   ICE
>   IOPT
>   WfXML
>   eCo
>   XMOP
> non-XML:
>   TIP
>   XDR
>   template
> I haven't read all of these specs so some of these may be in the wrong
> place. Pleast post corrections to the list.
> -- 
> -eric
> (



Received on Tuesday, 9 May 2000 16:21:17 UTC