Fwd: LOPT: serialization algorithm suggestions


1. Could you please reconsider serialization algorithm?
As for as I understand from your site the SOAP is starting 
point for LOPT development.

We had some problems with implementing soap protocol in java.
The algorithm require two passes for serialization and 

The basic idea I suggest is the same as in java and XMI 1.1
serialization algorithm.

When object is serialized, it is assgined id and it is written
<Type id="id0" >
  // contents

Later (in the body of the the element or or ), when reference is 
encountered, empty element with href is used.

<List t="i0">
  <Type id="i1" >
      <Element id="i2">
          <Type href="i1"/>
      <Element id="i2">
  <Type id="id0"/>

It allow single pass serialization/desirailaization and references 
to parent. I do not suggest to use exactly this representation
for protocol. For example XMI 1.1 like optimization for representation 
of values may be used. I just want to make (de)serialization simple and 
single pass.

2. Could you please include standard collection types in LOPT namespace.
I think there should be:

There may be other like Array.


Received on Friday, 14 April 2000 05:16:37 UTC