Re: requesting XML records

On Wed, 26 Mar 2003, Theo van Veen wrote:

> How many DC-brief schemas and how many DC-full schemas do we need.?
> What is the difference between DC and DC-full. When I ask for DC, do I
> get DC-full or DC-brief. What if a server only supports DC and I ask
> for DC-brief? Do I get an error message or the server's best choice?

Just to note... DCMI does not use (or recognise) the terms 'DC-full' and
'DC-brief'.  It tends to use the terms 'simple DC' (or sometimes
'DC-simple') and 'qualified DC'.  Definitions of these phrases are
provided in the document at

(which will hopefully move from a proposed recommendation to a
recommendation very shortly).

Assuming that you mean the same things by DC-brief and DC-full, I think it
would be very unhelpful to start using different terminology.



> Some do not accept "DC" but require the URI:
> . Others use
> for requesting DC. And in OAI DC is
> compulsary and it is called oai_dc, but is is just dc. Is there a
> schema that allows me to say: "I prefer DC-brief, but I do understand
> qualified DC-full and I will not crash when there are a few elements
> from other namespaces"?
> We introduce more and more incompatibility by overstructuring things in a non-functional way. Maybe it is time for a change. 
> Theo 
> >>> Ray Denenberg <> 26-03-03 16:12 >>>
> wrote:
> > But the version 2 way of doing it is still wrong, because the XML
> > DTD/schema is NOT an element set name.  I want to be able to say both "I
> > want a Dublin Core record in XML" and "I want a brief record".  The two are
> > not mutually exclusive.  Version 2 does not provide a mechanism to say the
> > 3 things we want to say:  XML AND Dublin Core AND Brief.
> Joe -- Although we continue to maintain the clear distinction between syntax and
> schema, we decided (also at the Dublin meeting --  maybe you were "out of the
> room"?) not to perpetuate the distinction between schema and element set name, for
> xml. Thus "DC-full" and "DC brief" would be two schemas.  This was the consensus at
> Dublin.
> --Ray

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Received on Wednesday, 26 March 2003 18:33:28 UTC