Re: requesting XML records

On Wed, 26 Mar 2003, Mike Taylor wrote:

> I don't pretend to understand all the back-and-forthing of this stuff,
> and you very probably have a deeper understanding of it than I do.
> But what's clear is that the concept we're trying to capture in the
> putative "give me an XML record in this schema" request is _not_
> talking about getting back records "in a specified namespace" -- if
> that phrase even means anything.

I agree.  What is being requested is a record that conforms with a
particular 'XML application'... and the application is defined by an XML
schema, not by an XML namespace.

Distributed Systems, UKOLN, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY, UK       +44 1225 383933
Resource Discovery Network

Received on Wednesday, 26 March 2003 18:27:21 UTC