ZIG Meeting

There is growing momentum for a ZIG meeting
sometime in the next 6-12 months. The last meeting
was April 2002; we decided not to schedule a
future meeting at that time but rather to wait
until there was a reason for a meeting, probably
in about 12-18 months (it's now been 15 months).

Recently, plans have been in the works to propose
a ZIG meeting prior to ALA, January 2004, in San
Diego -- a three day affair, Monday through
Wednesday, January 5-7. Until a few days ago we
had a potential host, unfortunately though, the
host-offer we were expecting fell through.

Nevertheless, San Diego preceding ALA might be an
opportune venue for a ZIG meeting, with the latter
part of the agenda of interest to those more
likely to stay for ALA (and the early part of more
interest to people less likely to stay).

Potential categories of agenda items are: (1)
Normal  ZIG business (including proposals and
other unfinished business accumulated since the
last meeting). (2) SRW (and more generally,
approaches to migrating Z39.50 functionality to
web services). (3) Metasearching.

The latter part of the meeting could be devoted to
gathering metasearching requirments, with
metasearch representatives (who might be likely to
stay for ALA)  invited to attend the last day.

At this stage of planning, I would like to ask if
there is anyone who would like to volunteer to
host such a meeting.


Received on Friday, 11 July 2003 15:16:53 UTC