RE: Bib-2 and the DC-Lib

Hi Kevin,

You're right, Lennie and I didn't look at the DC-Lib Profile when developing
Bib-2.   From what I see, it came after Bib-2 was developed.   

I haven't looked at the DC-Lib profile, but I suspect that some of the
inconsistencies lie between the current state of Dublin Core and the DC-like
access points used in the Z39.50 Cross-Domain Attribute Set, which was
developed when Dublin Core was at an earlier stage of evolution.    As Bib-2
is tied to the Cross-Domain Attribute Set, Bib-2 can only change if the
Cross-Domain Set changes.  And the last time this was discussed (at the ZIG
meeting in Boston Spa), there didn't appear to be an interest in the editors
of the Cross-Domain Set to update it to be on par with the latest of Dublin

The lack of holdings attributes in Bib-2 should not be viewed as a
divergence.  Holdings are out of scope for Bib-2 - because they are covered
elsewhere, in the Holdings Attribute Set.  And, because both sets have been
defined within the Attribute Architecture, one can devise searches that will
use attributes from both. 

Barbara Shuh
Library Network Specialist
National Library of Canada
Phone:  (613) 995-1701  Fax:  (613) 943-1939

-----Original Message-----
From: Gladwell, Kevin []
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 6:37 AM
To: ZIG List (E-mail)
Cc: Oldroyd, Bill; Alexander, Michael; Masters, Richard; Clayphan,
Subject: Bib-2 and the DC-Lib

I have recently become aware of the draft DC-Library Application Profile  I
am concerned that although both Bib-2 Access Points and DC-Lib metadata
elements are based on DC, the additions to these basic elements diverge.
Although both groups have been looking at similar problem they have come up
with different solutions.  Will this result in future interoperability
problems if librarians use DC-Lib to describe items but then want to use
Bib-2 access points to search for these items.  

One particular divergence is the inclusion of Holding Location in DC-Lib.


Kevin Gladwell
Strategy Analyst
The British Library, e-Strategy & Programmes
Boston Spa, Wetherby
West Yorkshire, LS23 7BQ, UK
Tel: (+44) 01937 546237  Fax: (+44) 01937 546872 

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