Re: PQN - is there a formal grammar? Does it support V3

> Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 11:31:16 +1000
> From: Alan Kent <>
> I found a reference to PQN in the Z39.50 URL RFC.

I can't find a PQN reference in RFC 2056 at

Where did you gwet your copy?  :-)

> I believe PQN came originally from YAZ(?).

Yes indeedy.

> I gave a new programmer an exercise of having a go at turning RPN
> into PQN (to introduce them to Z39.50). But they came up with some
> constructs that were possible in RPN but not PQN from first
> glance. Eg: V3 allows an attribute set per attribute type/value.

You can express that in PQN by giving the name of the attribute set
after the @attr keyword and before the type=value pair -- like this:

	@attr util 1=3 en

Indicates a search for records in the English language (Access point
3 in the utility set).

> Is there a better or more modern definition of PQN that handles all
> of V3 RPN?

Use the online Yax documentation at
It includes a formal grammar for the PQN language.

 _/|_	 _______________________________________________________________
/o ) \/  Mike Taylor   <>
)_v__/\  "I could be arguing in my spare time" -- Monty Python.

Received on Thursday, 18 April 2002 07:19:48 UTC