Re: Explain-lite (Explain discussion)

Bob -

- most library management systems I've come across only have one database
to offer on the Z39.50 side.

Regarding Bath profile etc - the concept of profile negotiatgion has been
discussed as well as far as I know, - and this would reduce the size of
negotiated information.

But, regarding explain lite - this is more than just an academic exercise
- it is a very real requirement from the ONE-2 partners, who have a
substantial history in Z39.50 development, who have nationally
important Z39.50 services in their respective countries and where many of
them were in the ONE-1 project where Explain was implemented. 
Explain lite is being implemeted now and will continue to do so for the
remainder of the project, we hope the ZIG wil find the results useful.


 Rob Bull         Crossnet Systems Limited
 tel +44 (0) 1635 522912             Unit 41 Bone Lane, Newbury 
 fax +44 (0) 1635 522913             Berkshire, RG14 5SH, United Kingdom

Received on Friday, 17 November 2000 09:41:20 UTC