www-xsl-fo@w3.org from January 2002 by subject

Absolute position without using block-container

add new fonts

ANN: An Introduction to XSL-FO

ANN: FOA Open-Source

Ann: Upcoming live, web/CDROM, and audio-over-IP XSLT/XPath/XSLFO training (XSLFO-WWW)

Arabic characters and FOP


font trouble

FOPException i can't resolve....

Including external graphics dynamically


outofmemory error

pdf bookmarks

Please help me with the XML Exam of IBM!!!

special marker

speed issues with XSL:FO tables.

svg from Adobe Illustrator and FOP

Table Border

variable numbers of columns in PDF-tables

XSL-FO and PDFMark

Last message date: Thursday, 31 January 2002 21:08:25 UTC