RE: [XSCD] What is the status of XSCD? (Schema Components Designators)

I don't think we are talking about the same thing, unless I've missed

I want the spec that describes how schema components are identified. The
2005 draft describes an XPointer
scheme xscd() 

The link you provide is for the definitions of the built-in types in the
XML Schema language. 

Am I being dense?


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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dave Peterson []
> Sent: Friday, 23 May 2008 10:11 AM
> To: Cox, Simon (E&M, Kensington);
> Subject: Re: [XSCD] What is the status of XSCD?
> At 9:44 AM +0800 2008-05-23, wrote:
> >The most recent document I can see is the 2005-03-29 WD.
> >Has this work stalled, or has it been superseded?
> Latest public version is the Last Call Working Draft at:
> This one is dated 17 Feb 2006.
> Since then there has been a lot of work by the WG preparing responses
> many comments.  A revised LCWD will be released "soon" (I hope).
> Meanwhile,
> there have been many interim drafts; however, they are all "current
> status"
> internal drafts not accessible by the general public.
> If I understand the system, the new LCWD will be at the URL given
> when it is released.  Each version has its own URL (e.g., that LCWD is
> also at ane the
> short URL is "re-pointed" when a new version is released.
> (I'm hedging a bit there, for two reasons:  I'm not the guy who does
> releases, and I don't know how much more detail I can make public.
> guy who knows this stuff cold is up to his ears trying to get that
> finished, so I've taken it upon myself to respond to you.  Hope it
> --
> Dave Peterson
> SGMLWorks!

Received on Friday, 23 May 2008 02:52:15 UTC