Re: CR-40: Changed default value of block?

Martin Gudgin wrote:
>Among other issues, you raised the point registered as issue
CR-40: Change
>default value of block?

>The Schema Working Group considered that this was in fact a bug
in the DTD
>for Schemas and it will be changed by removing the default value
in the DTD
>as you suggested.

I'm satisified with that resolution.

However, that a public CR issues list hasn't been published yet
is another matter.  Without a CR issues list, it is definitely
possible that an open issue might not be addressed by the working
group due to an editorial oversight.

Specifically, I would like to make sure the working group
considered the <xsd:prohibit> (maybe better to be <xsd:check> to
parallel SQL's CHECK) proposal in
ulSep/0010.html  (I thought there were follow up messages, but I
can't find them)

Received on Wednesday, 24 January 2001 21:53:57 UTC