RE: MPEG-7 Problem Issues and Queries

At 2001-01-02 10:23, Biron,Paul V wrote:
> > -----------------------------------------------
> > 3. Union and IDREF
> >
> > Each IDREF must match a corresponding ID within the XML instance document
> > in
> > which it occurs. Can we expect that this rule also applies when IDREF is
> > used
> > within a <union>? According to XML Schema definition, it seems not:
> >
> >   [Definition:]  Union datatypes are those whose *value spaces* and
> >   *lexical spaces* are the union of the value spaces and lexical
> >   spaces of two or more other datatypes.
> >
>I'm not sure I understand the question, given that and IDREF is an IDREF
>whether it occurs as part of a union or not.  Why would an IDREF not have to
>match an ID in the instance document when IDREF is used in a union?

I'm not sure this is the same question JH and MPEG 7 had in mind
(so I am copying them on this to ask), but the posting does raise the
following question in my mind:

   If we have the union type 'referenceType' defined as shown, i.e.

   <simpleType name="referenceType">
     <union memberTypes="IDREF uriReference mpeg7:xPathType"/>

Then let us consider the following cases:

Case 1: we get the value '' for an instance of this
type.  The schema processor will see whether this is an IDREF value,
and determine on lexical grounds that it cannot be, so it will try
it as a uriReference value, succeed, and decorate the PSVI accordingly.

Case 2: we get the value 'foo' for an instance of this type.  The
value 'foo' matches an ID in the document, and the schema processor
recognizes the value as being of type IDREF.

Case 3: we get the value 'foo'.  The value 'foo' does not match any
ID in the document.  What happens?

   (a) the schema processor realizes this isn't an IDREF and tries
       it as a uriReference value (where it will succeed regardless
       of whether there is a resource identified by 'foo')?  or
   (b) the schema processor says 'Well, this is a legal IDREF
       value (i.e. it is a NAME), but it does not match any ID in
       the document, so it is not correct' and raises an error?

Depending on how we define the value space of IDREF -- itself a
topic of discussion in other CR comments -- a language lawyer might
be tempted to make a case for either of these resolutions.

Based on section of the spec, however, and the sentence
"During validation, an element or attribute's value is validated
against the memberTypes in the order in which they appear in the
definition until a match is found", I believe the correct answer to
my question is (a).

I have two questions of my own:
   - do other people believe the answer to my question is (a)?
   - is this the question Jane Hunter and MPEG 7 were asking?

-C. M. Sperberg-McQueen

Received on Wednesday, 10 January 2001 03:18:50 UTC