Attribute remapping support in XML Schemas

  This is too late for Last Call, but I would feel bad for not
having raised publicly the following:
  It seems that XML Schemas does not support attribute remapping,
though this is a feature which would significantly ease the work
of people trying to reuse attribute from a different namespace
than the element one. There seems to be some resistance to use
namespace prefixes to distinguish attributes from foreign namespaces,
and the XML namespace specification allows unprefixed attributes
to be anchored in another namespace than the container element.

"Note that default namespaces do not apply directly to attributes."

  It would be extremely useful if XML Schemas could provide
a reliable mechanism to assert the namespace associated to
an attribute when not prefixed. One of the very candidate
for using such a support would be the capability to retroffit
the old unprefixed HTML link construct. Being able to anchor
unprefixed "href" attributes into the XLink namespace using 
a Schema could solve in a rigorous way the problem of retroffiting
HTML links within the XLink framework. I assume this would prove
extremely useful in a variety of similar situations.
  I also not that we don't need the name remapping per see, but
being able to anchor unprefixed attributes in a namespace.


  Daniel, speaking for himself.

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Received on Friday, 19 May 2000 02:41:33 UTC