Using appinfo annotations to store integrity constraints

	I am considering, as the subject line says, using appinfo
annotations to store integrity constraints. Consider a document as the
transfer syntax for a database predicate. An integrity constraint might be
"no worker earns more than their supervisor" or "pay_rate > 0". These
integrity constraints could be expressed as CHECK constraints in SQL, for
	I was considering trying to achieve the same effect with XSL-T
templates in appinfo elements. Unfortunately, it appears that even in the
April 7 draft, annotation and appinfo are poorly documented. Annotation is
used but not defined in either the schema for schemas or DTD, and appinfo
(and documentation) similarly. What is the content model ()+ supposed to
mean, in sec 4.3.10?
	Your comments appreciated on the appropriateness of the idea, and my
understanding of appinfo.
David vun Kannon
Manager, Financial Services Consulting
KPMG Consulting LLP
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