Yesterday's Functions and Operators draft still says to send comments to
Presumably, that should be changed to

Not surprisingly, the drafts that were not re-released yesterday
(Requirements, Formal Semantics, and XQueryX) also still point to  Will they stay that way until the next
release? Should commenters send to public-qt-comments anyway?

The Use-cases draft gives the address as

The XSLT 2.0 draft doesn't appear to tell readers where to send their

the link for "XSL" has an empty href. indicates that is
now "for submitting comments just to the XML Query wg. Please use this list
only if you think the XML Query working group, and not the XSL working
group, should be the recipient of the message." Any pointers on how to make
that decision? I mean, of all the various Query drafts, if I were to pick a
couple that I thought the XSL wg didn't need to see the comments on, I would
guess the Uses-cases doc and the "XML Query Language" doc. But both of those
docs tell me to send comments to public-qt-comments. So what's left? What
would be of concern *only* to the Query wg? 

-Michael Dyck

Received on Wednesday, 1 May 2002 12:42:26 UTC