Re: XBase is in conflict with RFC 2396

> I think this is a violation of RFC 2396.

I think XBase goes beyond RFC 2396, and RFC 2396 should be updated.
In particular, the RFC refers to "the base URI of a document", but
XBase allows a document to have different base URIs in different
parts.  This is essential for some purposes (eg reserialisation
after entity expansion).

> At present, a default value for the xml:base is allowed to appear in an 
> external DTD subset or external parameter entitiy.  Then, that default 
> value would control all XML document entities that reference to this 
> external DTD subset or external parameter entity.

Surely it only controls documents that use the element type on which
the default attribute occurs?  In which case their use of that element
type could be taken as setting the base URI in that very entity.

-- Richard

Received on Wednesday, 26 April 2000 11:03:27 UTC