Re: XBase is in conflict with RFC 2396

In message "Re: XBase is in conflict with RFC 2396",
Richard Tobin wrote...
 >> I think this is a violation of RFC 2396.
 >I think XBase goes beyond RFC 2396, and RFC 2396 should be updated.
 >In particular, the RFC refers to "the base URI of a document", but
 >XBase allows a document to have different base URIs in different
 >parts.  This is essential for some purposes (eg reserialisation
 >after entity expansion).

I think that we should not allow default values for xml:base prior 
to such updates to RFC 2396.

As a co-author of RFC 2376 (XML Media Types), I am preparing an 
Internet Draft which is intended to supersede RFC 2376.  This 
draft will point out this issue.  It will then be reviewed by 
IETF people, especially URI people.


Received on Wednesday, 26 April 2000 12:39:34 UTC