Re: [ Re: Availability of Soap 1.2 toolkits]

> Rich Salz, if you have time, could you give your opinion about making
> Soap 1.2 required over Soap 1.1 for XKMS? As you participate in both
> lists and you are a good developer, it will be a valuable opinion :)

Well appeals to the ego work pretty well. :)

I would base it purely on timing.  Estimate when XKMS becomes a 
recommendation (or CR I guess), and then calculate how long SOAP 1.2 
will have been CR (or full Rec).  If SOAP 1.2 has been more than six 
months, then 1.2 is MUST and 1.1 is SHOULD.  IF 3-6 months, than make 
1.2 SHOULD and 1.1 SHOULD.  IF less than three months, make 1.2 SHOULD 
and 1.1 MUST

Channeling for King Solomon...

Rich Salz, Chief Security Architect
DataPower Technology                 
XS40 XML Security Gateway
XML Security Overview

Received on Tuesday, 10 February 2004 14:59:03 UTC