Broken fragment identifiers in the XKMS draft


I'm continuing the work to prepare the drafts for publication.
After fixing the XHTML errors and adding the headers as requested
by the pubrules, I ran the link checker. 

There are some external link errors, and many many other errors
concerning link fragments.

Most notable cases:

- Many links (not sure if all) say This should be
- The link to WSDL 1.1 specification is now

The worst ones are the broken link fragments. There are just too many
of them. I'm unable to say how to fix many of them. For example,
there's one called #Acknowledgments (line 99), but the actual
fragment has an internal ID: <a href="#XKMS2_0_LC1_Section_1_2">

There are over 40 broken fragment identifiers[1]. Some of these are used
to refer to part 1 from part 2. I don't know if we should keep the
same reference throughout or have it evolve with each new version of the

What I know is that fixing those fragment identifiers requires lots of
work. I already invested some in making it valid XHTML. 

However, I feel that this effort is wasted if these changes are not 
reflected in the source that Phil uses to generate the XHTML files and
this has to be done once over again next time that these files
are regenerated.

Couldn't it be possible to make the changes directly into the source
and then making the XHTML again? Is it possible to have access to that
file and those scripts Phil?

Even better, if it's a script error that makes those broken links,
it would be good to fix them!

Thanks for your feedback,


Received on Monday, 13 October 2003 12:07:46 UTC