RE: I'll have salad with my key...

I just want to be clear with this issue, and I also have an (potentially)
interesting observation.

As part of <Validate>, I can send a <Query> which is of type
<KeyBindingType>.  The <KeyBindingType> also includes <ds:KeyInfo>.  Perhaps
interestingly, the <Respond> element is restricted to names of sub-elements
from <ds:KeyInfo>, in addition to the element <Private>.  I wonder if Joseph
is asking that the element choices with <Query> or within <Respond> be
extensible (his language suggests the former, but I wonder if he also means
the latter).

From what Stephen says below, <Query> is already extensible, since
<ds:KeyInfo> is extensible. I presume <Respond> would be as well, for the
same reason.

Now, shouldn't <Respond> support subelements from <KeyBindingType> instead
of <ds:KeyInfo>? For example, as it stands now, the client can't request
whether or not the <ValidityInterval> or <KeyUsage> are returned as part of
the <ValidateResult>. These are sub-elements of <KeyBindingType> and not


-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Farrell []
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 12:43 PM
Subject: I'll have salad with my key...

Joseph worried:
> The KeyBinding is not extensible, what if I want to query or return 
> different trust semantics than those provided by XKMS?

Well, given that it contains a ds:KeyInfo and I can put my granny's
photo in there, what more do we need?


Stephen Farrell         				   
Baltimore Technologies,   tel: (direct line) +353 1 881 6716
39 Parkgate Street,                     fax: +353 1 881 7000
Dublin 8.      

Received on Wednesday, 6 March 2002 08:37:27 UTC