Re: SOAP headers for xmldsig and xenc

On Thursday 04 April 2002 19:04, David Turner wrote:
> I am concerned by your earlier statement:

David I appreciate your statement and I'll try to re-express myself in 
light of its consideration.

This mailing list was created as a forum for demonstrating completeness 
towards the use of XML Encryption and XML Protocol together, particularly 
with respect to scenarios and questions of instance validity, see Charter 
[1]. If you're willing to continue to work under the intellectual rights 
policies of the XENC or XMLP charter, I'm willing to provide a namespace 
towards addressing scenarios of using XML Encryption with its Decryption 
Transform for XML Signature in the SOAP context. 

> Regardless of what IP policy is chosen for the proposed WG, any
> technical discussions that take place now, create IP risks for the
> members and for any related specs produced by the W3C.

If any participant feels that such participation puts them at risk, then 
they should not participate. It was my hope that things were quiet because 
of a lack of namespace, someone to herd things together, or because the 
scenarios was only an optional deliverable. If, instead, people consider it 
out of scope, or consider it a risk, then I suppose this list will stay 


7. Optionally, develop a document of scenarios and recommendations 
regarding the affects and requirements of XML Encryption processing on XML 
parsing and validation. This must be a separate document.

Demonstration Applications
It is hoped that the following applications being developed by members of 
the WG will provide a useful test of the completeness:
  1. XML Protocol


Joseph Reagle Jr.       
W3C Policy Analyst      
IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair
W3C XML Encryption Chair

Received on Thursday, 4 April 2002 22:18:54 UTC