Re: SOAP headers for xmldsig and xenc


I am concerned by your earlier statement:

> For any future work, I consider anything on this xenc-xmlp task 
> force list to under the terms of the xenc or xmlp charters.

Neither of the charters for those WGs is broad enough to encompass this
proposed new work. And unless this mailing list is formally made part of
either XMLP or XENC (which would require an AC vote), then these
discussions are not governed by any part of either XMLP or XENC.

I am not suggesting that this topic shouldn't be discussed. Rather, I'm
pointing out that www-xenc-xmlp-tf falls outside the scope of any
process and more importantly is not covered by the W3C patent policy
(choose whichever one you want, I'm certain none of them apply).

If the scope of discussion is limited to proposing and working on a
draft charter, this may not be an issue. However, in your last message
you said:
> But that shouldn't stop 
> people from banging around a document on the technical side here --
> that this work must be compatible with the IPR terms of the xenc and
> WGs if its to be used by those activities (or some new form thereof).

Regardless of what IP policy is chosen for the proposed WG, any
technical discussions that take place now, create IP risks for the
members and for any related specs produced by the W3C.


Received on Thursday, 4 April 2002 19:05:35 UTC