Stab at charter/requirements for tf

I thought I'd try a stab at a purpose/charter/reqs/issues for the output
that Joseph suggested.  Based upon Chris's feedback, there seemed to be some
interesting requirements emerging.  I offer this only as a start, and to try
to move the ball a little further downfield.  Any suggestions for
requirements/issues additions/changes are strongly solicited.  Nor am I
really volunteering to be any kind of chair ;-)

To produce a document that defines usage of Digital Signature and XML
Encryption in SOAP headers.  This work is based upon, but necessarily
limited to SOAP-SEC W3C Note and IBM proposal on XEnc.


1. Support Signing of SOAP Messages
2. Support Encrypting of SOAP Messages


1. Clarification of signature purpose.
2. C14N of SOAP
3. What/How many Modules/Namespaces?  Should there be 2 namespaces - 1 for
signature, another for encryption?
4. Profiles of Cyber-suites
5. Extent of Signatures
6. When to Sign
7. When to Verify

(tentative) decisions
1. Name: SOAP Security Extensions
2. Process: Take existing documents and edit (volunteers?).  BTW, I don't
really want to create a whole requirements doc/issues list documents.  I'm
hoping we can keep this a little lighter, given that this is an attempt to
be a lighter-weight and more informal process.


Received on Thursday, 4 April 2002 14:04:34 UTC