Just a little (tiny) problem with OWL-S

Dear All,

I am new to owl-s (and owl too in fact) and I am making some custom examples 
in owl-s in order to see if it fits our needs.
I tried to validate one of my examples with the vOWLidator but I got some 
errors :

In http://www.daml.org/services/owl-s/0.9/Process.owl
it seems that this file doesn't exists, so the vOWLidator generates an 

I tried using daml-s and there is no error (Time.daml exists!).

Can you please fix it or tell me how to do if I haven't understood?

Best Regards,

Julien Canet.

Julien Canet          E-mail: Julien.Canet@sophia.inria.fr
Inria Sophia Antipolis             
2004, Route des Lucioles - BP 93        
06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex            
Phone: +33 4 97 15 53 13

Received on Friday, 31 October 2003 04:08:29 UTC