Re: Just a little (tiny) problem with OWL-S

Hi Julien,

You are right about the fact that the owl ontology for time is not 
available for the 0.9 release. Incidentally we are in the process of 
migrating from the 0.9 release to the 1.0 release. The new release would 
have only owl (no daml) ontologies, including the ontology for time,  

There is a way around to your problem, in case you want to carry on with 
your examples using the 0.9 version. If you are not using the time 
ontology, you can replace the namespace for process.owl in your example 
files to

from ,

I have made sure that there are no time related entires here.

Hope this helps,


Julien Canet wrote:

>Dear All,
>I am new to owl-s (and owl too in fact) and I am making some custom examples 
>in owl-s in order to see if it fits our needs.
>I tried to validate one of my examples with the vOWLidator but I got some 
>errors :
>it seems that this file doesn't exists, so the vOWLidator generates an 
>I tried using daml-s and there is no error (Time.daml exists!).
>Can you please fix it or tell me how to do if I haven't understood?
>Best Regards,
>Julien Canet.

Monika Solanki
Software Technology Research Laboratory(STRL)
De Montfort University
Hawthorn building, H00.18
The Gateway
Leicester LE1 9BH, UK

phone: +44 (0)116 250 6170 intern: 6170

Received on Friday, 31 October 2003 05:07:35 UTC